General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
23 Main Drive

Monday - Thursday
6:30 am - 4:30 pm

Plow Routes and Times

Plow Routes & Times

Unit # 3-4 Tandem truck with plow and sander box Operator: General area: Wheatland and west flats, Bordeaux, Slater, Chugwater

Unit # 3-15 Tandem truck with plow and sander box Operator: General area: Vicinity of Wheatland, paved roads near town.

Unit # 3-12 Tandem truck with plow and sander box. General area: NE Wheatland flats, power plant, Guernsey, Glendo

Unit # 7-1 Motor grader with V-plow and moldboard. General area: Cassa, Glendo, Meadowdale, north end of county

Unit # 7-2 Motor grader with V-plow and moldboard. General area: Guernsey, Dwyer, west of Wheatland

Unit # 7-3 Motor grader with V-plow and moldboard. General area: Wheatland flats, north and west, west foothills

Unit # 7-4 Motor grader with V-plow and moldboard. General area: South and west Wheatland flats, Cooney Hills, Squaw Mtn.

Unit # 7-6 Motor Grader with V-plow and moldboard. General area: Chugwater area, Slater, Bordeaux, Richeau foothills.

These 8 units are routinely assigned to snow removal during any storm of significant amounts. We do have other machines that are used for snow-plowing when they are needed, with oper- ators being assigned to them as available.

The following is a general overview of plowing operations, which are followed in a normal, or average storm. However, our work is greatly affected by weather conditions surrounding any storm, the amount of wind we receive, how much snow has fallen, and any emergency situations that come up.

The heavier the snowfall, then generally the longer it takes our department to cover all the county roads. Under windy conditions, we may have to stay closer in, and plow the same roads repeatedly to keep them at all passable. The safety of the school buses also has to be a consideration. So the following routing and approximate times are set up for a snowfall of several inches, and conditions that allow us to make a noticeable difference in travel. Again, adjustments are made constantly.

Unit #3-15 (R-2) 4:30 a.m.---Leaves shop; Plows: Y O Ranch Road -- E. Oak Road -- Front Road E. Fairview Road -- (6:30 a.m.) North Road -- Rompoon Road -- Red Fox Road -- Preuit Road -- (8:00 a.m.) W. Fairview Road -- Fletcher Park Road Orchard Road -- Goodrich Road -- (11:00 a.m.) Deer Creek Road -- Dickinson Hill Road -- (1:00 p.m.) Bellis Road -- E. Cole Road -- Drake Road -- Washington Road -- (3:00 p.m.) fuel up truck, return to shop, reload sand, pre- pare for next day’s plowing.

Unit #3-4 (R-3) 4:30 a.m.---Leave shop; Plows: Y O Ranch Road --- Palmer Canyon Road (to the Cooney Hills intersection) -- Grange Road -- (8:00 a.m.) -- Bordeaux Road East Bordeaux Road -- Pioneer Road -- JJ Road -- (10:30 a.m.) -- Iron Mountain Road -- Diamond Road -- (12:30 p.m.) -- E. Bear Creek Road -- Richeau Road -- (2:00 p.m.) -- Tunnel Road -- Grange Road -- (Second plowing of the day) -- Palmer Canyon Road -- (also second plowing) -- (4:00 p.m.) -- Back to shop, reload sand, get ready for next day.

Unit #3-12 (R-4) 4:30 a.m. ---Leave shop; Plows: Y O Ranch Road -- Front Road -- Grayrocks Road (to power plant) -- (5:30 a.m.) -- Grayrocks Road (east of plant to S. Guernsey Rd.) -- South Guernsey Road --Tank Farm Road -- (8:00 a.m.) Airport Road (old 26) -- Quarry Road -- N. end of Pleasant Valley Road -- Lakeside Drive -- (10:00 a.m.) -- Return to shop and reload sand -- (11:00) Glendo Park Road -- Lake Shore Drive -- (1:00 p.m.) -- Horseshoe Creek Road -- Fish Creek Road (pavement) -- (4:00 p.m.) Return to shop to get Ready for next day.

Unit # 7-1 (R-10) 5:30 a.m. ---Patten Creek Road; -- Cedartop Road – Glendo Lake to Elkhorn Creek Road—lower Ridge Road –lower Horseshoe Creek Road -- Cassa Road – upper Horseshoe Creek Road- upper Ridge Road – Glendo Lake--Meadowdale Road –Patten—Jereh –Flattop.

Unit # 7-2 (R-9) 4:30 a.m. Leaves Guernsey, travels to east side of county; Pleasant Valley Road (2nd pass) -- (9:30 a.m.) -- Wendover Road -- Cottonwood Road to N. Dwyer intersection ---- Coleman Road-- Pepper Road -- N. Dwyer Road -- Dwyer Road No Name Road -- Pleasant Valley Road-- Whalen Canyon Road -- Airport Road – Tank Farm Road (e. gravel end) White Rock Trace -- S. Battle Road -- Fort Laramie Road --S. Guernsey Road --Deer Creek Road

SECOND DAY PLOWING: Check close-in plowed roads for problems Plow: South Gap Road -- Rattlesnake Road -- (9:00 a.m.) -- Weber Road -- Swan Road -- Dickinson Hill Road -- (11:00) Return to Wheatland area, plow again on close-in roads.

Unit # 7-3 (R-8) (4:30 a.m.) Plows:  Grange Road -- Ayers Road -- Goodrich Road -- Sybille Creek Road (n. 3 miles) -- Bluffview Road (e. end) -- Brookie Road -- Bluffview Road (w. end) -- Rainbow Road --N. Red Fox Road -- River- view Road -- -- (6:00 a.m.) Bellis Road Drake Road -- Ringneck Road -- Cole Road -- Sawmill Road -- Kennedy Drive -- N. Front Road -- (9:30 a.m.) -- Rawhide Trail -- (11:00 a.m.) -- (1:00 p.m.) -- Marble Road -- Rainbow Road (2nd plowing) -- E. Laramie River Road -- Badger Road -- (3:00 p.m.) -- E. Johnson Road -- W. Johnson Road -- (5:00 p.m.) prepare for next day.

SECOND DAY PLOWING: (4:00 A.M.) Check close-in plowed roads for problems. Leave shop, travel to start of Fletcher Park Road -- Plow: Fletcher Park Road -- Fish Creek Road -- (8:30 a.m.) -- Harris Park Road -- Back over Fish Creek Road -- (11:00) Back over Fletcher Park Road -- Van Ortwick Hill Road -- (2:00 p.m.) -- Return to shop and prepare for next day.

Unit # 7-4 (R-7) (5:00 a.m.) Plows: Washington Road -- Ayers Road -- Kindom Road -- Jefferson Road -- (6:30 a.m.) -- Brookside Road --Reservoir Road -- Ayers Road (s. end) -- (9:00 a.m.) -- Olson Road -- Grange Road -- Hightower Road (gravel portion) -- 11:30 a.m.) -- Sybille Creek Road -- Cooney Hills Road -- Kittell Road -- (3:00 p.m.) -- Recheck close-in roads for problems -- Prepare for next day.

SECOND DAY PLOWING: (5:00 a.m.) Check close-in plowed roads for problems. Brush Creek Road -- Deadhead Creek Road -- Halleck Canyon Road -- (10:00 a.m.) -- Cozad Road -- Gibson Road -- Snook Road (12:00 p.m.) Return to plowing on close-in roads.

Unit # 7-6 (R-6) (6:00 a.m.) Leave Chugwater; Plows: TY Basin Road -- Iron Mountain Road -- Diamond Road --Happy Hollow Road -- (9:00 a.m.) -- JJ Road -- Pioneer Road -- Slater Road (e. gravel portion) -- (11:00 a.m.) -- Bordeaux Road -- South Gap Road (s. end) -- Normandy Road -- Brittany Road -- E. Hunton Creek Road -- (1:00 p.m.) -- Richeau Road --Antelope Creek Road -- Harvey Road -- S. Moon Road -- E. Havely Road -- (3:00 p.m.) -- N. Co. Line Road -- Horton Road -- S. CS Road -- Meeker Road -- S. Baker Road S. Pioneer Road -- Windmill Road (to residence. -- (5:00 p.m.)

All times shown are again approximate; this a rough sketch of where each plow goes and the breakdown of his day’s work. If the winds are severe and roads are drifting back in operators will often need to brake off their routes to reopen roads that are on the school bus routes.

Whenever there is snow on the ground, all operators are responsible to keep track of what is happening in the area they care for. At times progress is very limited by wind and drifting, while at other times, many roads or ideally, all roads can be covered the first day of a snowfall.

We do have other machinery that is used to plow snow, depending on conditions and need. We do not have a ‘second crew’ or a ‘second shift’, but we try to work as long of hours as we can if there is a storm, as much as 16 or more hours a day. And if one plow area is not as severely hit as another area is, then that operator helps out wherever needed, anywhere in the county.

Our current policy states that we do not plow any non-county roads, and we do not open any driveways or approaches. Time and resources simply do not allow us to take the time to do so. Since there are individuals who have machinery and hire out to do this, we recommend that the public contact one of them. That allows us to give equal attention to everyone’s county roads, and cover all roads quicker. There is also a liability issue to think about if plowing driveways or driveway approaches, and that is damage to such things as well-casings, telephone boxes, bury hydrants, septic tank covers, electrical transformers, and other items that may be buried under several feet of snow, and thus not visible to a plow operator.

Such policies are put into place for a purpose, and will not be routinely adjusted.