General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 307-322-1343
Emergencies: Dial 911
850 Maple Street

Monday through Friday
8 am to 5 pm


The Platte County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to the protection of the people of Platte County and the professional enforcement of local, state, and federal laws. In accomplishing our mission, the men and women of the Sheriff's Office, who are themselves members of the community, will provide prompt and efficient response to those they serve. The Platte County Sheriff's Office values public trust and the confidence of our citizens. The Sheriff is the Chief Executive and Administrator of the Sheriff's Office. He oversees the Patrol Division, the Detention Division, and the Communication Division. The Platte County Sheriff serves as an elected official, with a four-year term.

The Platte County Sheriff’s Office is comprised of 25 sworn law enforcement officers, 7 communication officers, 7 civilian personnel serving a county that encompasses approximately 2,008 square miles.